What is happening at Fanny Bush!?! The bad! Well it has been quite an experince starting and not starting this project! First of all things were big and took a big turn as the arrangements for moving the caravn onto site went intially well. The caravan wil be a facility to host people and store our equipment as the project evolves and for me is vital before we begin. From my previous exoerince having access to warmth, water for hand washing and toilet facilties is the bear essentials we should provide to ask people to come and work the land. It was a big move but it got stalled... a stuck in the mud and a lost friend later who abandoned his job has left us with an issue that has not easily been resolved. I have been waiting for weeks turning into months now to make the final moves of the caravan to get it sited and ready for the project to begin. There is another silver lining as a friend has offerred to try and help when he can and we are hoping this will be next week, Once the caravn s moved it can be sited and safe an we can catchup up as best as possible to get us moving again. The plan will be to start to cover and create ground ready to plant in the winter and begin slowly restoring the project. As it is all ongoing I am making observations about the ground, how it responds to the weather and where we might need to make adaptions to make the most of the space. DO not worry as the project becomes safe it wil continue to develop and although it has halted our intial flow it will get back on track! The Good! Since we got started I have been able to make some great inital progress. The site has been gated but still has it's public right of way access. This is to secure the equipment there and to stop uunwanted vehicles moving onto the space and stealing or dumping anything. I also managed to get some hard standing on the track leading up to the site to help the access for deliveries or volunteers visiting. We may well need to add more as the weather changes or a need emerges. For now the road is accessible and stable. I also managed to get a great deal for some inperfect timber fence rails that will be great for building some of our frames and things ready fo the deck and storage area. I also managed to get some IBC containers that will hold collected rainwater we can use for watering our plants through the year. To clarify we are not currently using any water on that site and I only tapped it because someone else exposed the pipe and it was leaking. Other than that any use is coming from passers by. I have locked the tap now to prevent any further leaks or unneccessary use. The Ugly! So... beyond our halts with the caravan there has been a lot of other disruption that has halted the momentum. I like to be honest about the progress of projects so as not to feed illusions of ease around making big change and transformation. As a rule, people do not like imposed change and after 5 other projects I am now used to expecting a bit of an inital backlash. This projct has been no different and we have had unwanted attention from a particular group of people who seem to want to take the piss. We have had three break in's, thefts, petty damage done and silly games played (tunring on the water for no reason and telling the local farmer - who apparently has the water on a meter??), reporting us to the council (it has nothing to do with them and they will not be able to stop this project) the project is in the best interests of the WHOLE community and I and it will not be bullied by a few selfish people who are spitting out their dummies. I know who they are, they have been reported to the police and I haven't pressed charges to save an ongoing issue. I am assuming since they are behaving like children, like children they will get bored soon enough and play their games else where. I do not engage with this typ of energy so as it is ongoing I just stop! Remove my attention and will start again once it has blown over. The gossip mill seems to be running mad! If anyone has an legitimate interest, concerns or qustions please direct them to me and get the information first hand. I can be called on 07478215418 (during working hours). Please don't seek me out late at night to ask questions...that is not cool! All this being said... if plans go to plan... we should be back to making progress over the next few weeks. Next Stages
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I'm Terri a conscious creator & I design spaces for authentic expression and connection. Archives
September 2024